How to Embed the Widget Code into your Agent Website


Looking for a quick way to promote your home valuation site? This feature allows you to place a home valuation site widget on any website by using a provided code, so that homeowners can learn how much their home is worth.

Embedding Your Widget Code

  1. From the main navigation bar, hover your mouse over Marketing Suite. Next, click on “Home Valuation Site”


  1. You will see 4 different options below your site preview. Select Widget for Your Website: 


  1. Follow the instructions and copy the widget code, then paste it within a widget section on your site's coding.
  2. On your website, you can enter this widget code into an HTML box. From your website, drag an HTML box onto your page.


  3. In the box that opens, paste the widget code into the box.


  4. Make sure to save all changes, and publish them to your website. You will then see the widget box on your website!


    Creating a Linked Page on your Website

    Another great way to get your Home Valuation Site on your Agent Website is to create a Link Page that is in your navigation. This will send your client to your Home Valuation Site so they can see the value of their home!

    1. Start by copying the link to your Home Valuation Site from your Buyside Marketing Suite.

    2. In your agent website, create a new Linked Page.

    3. Name your page and add the link to your Home Valuation Site.

    4. Make sure to save and publish your changes.



How to: Embed the HVS Widget Code Into Your Website - 1-Pager
(Click here to download)


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