How to Talk to the Buyer Funnel


Your buyer funnel is a great tool you can use to show your seller clients the amount of people looking for a listing just like theirs. This is an example of using big data or “signals” to show a potential client what the market is doing. So, whether they are running their home valuation site or, you are explaining your buyer market analysis, you can speak to how many people are in the market!


See below for a description of the sections of your Buyer Activity funnel!



  1. The first tier is the amount of online activities within your brokerage. So, when someone is looking for listings, attends an open house, saves a search or a property, or inquire about a listing, they will be counted here!
  2. Next are the amount of people searching for a listing within a 5-mile radius of your listing! Often times people will be looking for listings in a specific area. The amount of people looking in this area will show your potential client, you can identify the market in their area.
  3. The third tier shows the amount of people within a 5 mile radius (like the last tier) but also includes the people looking in this listing’s price range.
  4. The last tier combines all of the features so far, the amount of people looking for a listing within a 5 mile radius, in the home’s price range, and are looking for the number of bedrooms of the listing.

What this funnel is helping you show your clients is the interest in their listing. It’s easy for us to say there are quite a few people out there looking at listings, but it’s so much more powerful to be able to show your clients exactly how many people are looking at their listing.


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