Sharing your listing, buyer, or Home Valuation Site to Facebook can help to quickly generate more leads. Changing the image when sharing to Facebook can grab the attention of different viewers who might not have noticed it before!
- From the main navigation bar, hover your mouse over Marketing Suite. Next, click on “Home Valuation Site”.
- Click anywhere on the image that displays “What is Your Home Worth”.
- Once your Home Valuation Site has loaded, open a new tab and go to “”.
- Search for the type of image you are looking for. In this case, we chose “Home”
- Once you have chosen the image that you would like to use, download it by selecting the box with an arrow inside.
- Once the image has been downloaded to your computer, proceed to your Facebook page.
- Use a call-to-action that is catered to your audience. Be creative!
- To add the picture, select “Photo/Video” and select the picture that you just downloaded.
- Add another call-to-action by pasting the link to your Home Valuation Site.
- Once your post is finalized, select “Post” to share it with your friends and followers.
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